Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 37: Unexpected Blessings

Yesterday was a day of unexpected blessings from my son Huckle.

First, as I was driving down a traffic-clogged interstate on my way to a morning Bible study, my car was passed by a minivan making a strangely muffled yelling sound. I looked over and there was Huckle waving madly and trying to yell through the closed window, on his way to a class field trip. I had just been praying, as I passed his school 10 minutes earlier, for his safety -- how fun to see an answer to prayer in action! (And what a blessing that my son hasn't hit an age when seeing Mom in public is humiliating!)

Then, when the kids came home from school, Huckle had very little homework (due to the field trip). That's a big blessing -- his homework trowels a thick layer stress onto our afternoons and evenings. Huckle loves ALL his afterschool activities and has an hour of homework every night. That combination means Mom must practically sit on him to see that all is done before bedtime. Not pleasant. For any of us. Especially with Husband out of town many weekday nights -- I'm the one and only Bad Cop in this here town.

With no homework and a Mom moratorium of after-school activities for the night, Huckle was at his most pleasant and creative. Gadget-loving Huckle had had his eye on an electronic engraving tool in the basement given to us by a gadget-loving friend who moved away. So we pulled it out and set to work writing our names on the kids' stainless steel water bottles and then decorating old boards. Using an electronic tool + creating = one busy, happy boy practically floating with enthusiasm. Then -- I hope you other moms are sitting down --10-year-old Huckle REORGANIZED A KITCHEN CABINET. Is that not strange?? But he loved it and did a great job. Funny (and encouraging) that, on a night off, he would choose to work for me, that slave-driver who is always nagging him to work, work, work.

Needless to say, this experience has me rethinking his busy schedule and wondering how we can have a Happy Huckle every evening...

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