Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 26: Examples of Godly Living

Anything powerful can be used for evil, including religion. That's what outspoken atheists emphasize when they write that humanity would be better off without any religion. They blame strong Christian sentiment for wars and acts of hatred.

But Christianity does not condone violence; in fact, the Bible states that vengence is to be left to the Lord and that people are to live in peace as far as they are able in this world. Rather, violence comes from a minority of extremists who warp and misinterpret Scriptures for their own purposes, as others do with laws or rational human thought. Anything powerful can be used for evil.

When a society has forbidden Christianity or muzzled the church, has the resulting culture been more humane? I think of the atrosities of Communism's rational, ordered societies. If you remove religion, something else will be used to oppress and subdue.

I also think of all the acts of lovingkindness performed in Christian faith that fly under the radar of history or publicity or atheist thinkers. Today I think of the selflessness of my friend Dolly, who left this morning on an errand of mercy. She changed all her plans and inconvenienced herself to help a friend of a friend, someone she barely knows but who has been on her heart. This friend of a friend, named Mercy, had a setback in her cancer treatment. Dolly is driving 5 hours to stay with her and care for her.

Millions of these selfless little acts are performed every day by Christians reaching out in love, quietly obeying God's call to care for the oppressed, the "widows and orphans" of our culture. This is not a political movement; these acts are not done for show or human approval. But they affirm the church's work in the world, the role of the Christian in bringing about God's kingdom on earth, a kingdom in which evil is subdued and love reigns.

Today I pray for Mercy, that she is comforted and encouraged. I also pray for mercy, that God forgives our world and us individual Christians for our failures to follow his loving will.

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