Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 25: The Perfect Jog?

This morning, I might have had the perfect jog:
1. I jogged longer than I intended
2. I jogged faster than I intended
3. The temperature was neither too hot nor too cold
4. The last half-mile included a free spritzing shower

I woke up before the kids, which means I didn't have two little ducklings following me around the block (which the neighbors think is funny but takes extra energy; and, actually, Huckle keeps up quite well though I expend a fair amount of energy worrying if he's expending too much energy pushing himself to keep up with me. And then I expend energy checking on Sally).

I also woke up before my will power was awake enough to realize it was being dragged out of the house. And the heat wave of last week is over, so the morning was cool though humid. Even if my will power had been awake, it wouldn't have been able to argue that it's too hot to run.

I started around the block, not sure if it'd go the standard (and lame) 2 miles I've been doing or if I'd manage to get up to 3 miles, my old standard distance. That's when I noticed the dark clouds covering a third of the sky. I ran faster, thinking I didn't want to have done the hardest part -- the getting out of the house part -- for nothing.

I ran a mile and still no rain. The dark clouds were closer and more threatening. The air had that pre-storm stillness. Rain was inevitable and could begin at any time. I decided to get in another mile down my 3-mile course to make it worth my while. I knew I could turn back at any point. I kept a steady speed, assuming my run would be cut short. It wasn't.

I started the third mile. It felt good to let my legs stretch long in a cantering stride rather than the shuffling I often allow myself. It felt like I was racing the weather and winning. When the rain did start, I was already headed for home, having down my full course satisfactorily.

The last half mile, the thick humid air was broken by rain. It felt great. I ran even faster, enjoying the cooling drops, the long strides, the heading home to tea and breakfast. The rain was building in intensity, with the downpour setting in when I was 3 houses from home. Perfect timing to cool me down and speed me up for a sprint to the finish line.

Home by 7:30; sporting wet running clothes and a sense of accomplishment. A good start to the day.

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