Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 15: Thunderstorms

Thunderstorms might terrify Sally, but they make me feel cozy. That distant rumble, the pelleting rain on the roof, it brings me joy. I often assumed this was because I was safely indoors, but this weekend I found joy in a thunderstorm during our camping trip. We were outdoors, though granted we were under a big tarp. So I'm sure a feeling of safety still factors into my thunderstorm joy.

But another joy of being outdoors in a thunderstorm is seeing its power. You hear the thunder unmuffled by walls and roofs; you are right there with it. You see the lightning and can track the storm across the sky as different portions of the sky light up.

And Sally gets cuddly when it thunders. That brings me joy too. I feel as powerful as lightning and as safe as a house when my daughter seeks protection in my arms.

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